Readers may or may not have heard that April was Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Although the month of April is over, it is worth repeating that the purpose of the campaign is obviously to further public education on the dangers of taking one’s attention off the task of driving. Here’s one good reason to avoid distracted driving: almost 39,000 accidents were caused in the state of Florida in 2013 because of distracted driving. Those crashes resulted in over 33,000 injuries and 201 deaths.
Another good reason to avoid distracted driving is that there are penalties associated with it. All drivers in the state of Florida are banned from texting while driving. Those who are caught texting can be fined. Talking on a cell phone is legal, but there is still the possibility of penalties if the driver is ticketed for a traffic offense.
Yet another reason to avoid texting and driving or talking and driving is that one could face liability for causing injury to other drivers. Car accidents can result in serious injuries to those involved, and subsequent medical costs can be significant. An injured party is able to seek compensation not only for medical costs resulting from the accident, but also for pain and suffering, lost wages, and other damages. Families of deceased victims can also seek damages in connection with
Those who have been injured in a distracted driving accident need to know their rights when it comes to seeking compensation, and should work with an experienced attorney when pursuing civil damages. Doing so will ensure the best possible outcome in their case.
Source:, “201 distracted drivers die in Florida,” April 9, 2014.