Fatigued or drowsy driving is a serious problem in the United States. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has studied the issue and found that hundreds of deaths likely occur annually in drowsy driving accidents. Additionally, more than 50,000...
Car Accidents
Key elements of negligence in car accident claims
If you’ve been injured in a car accident, you may be entitled to personal injury compensation. However, you will need to show that the other driver was negligent. Negligence occurs when another driver causes harm because they did not exercise reasonable care. Here...
Why should you avoid posting photos online after an accident?
Social media is a big part of many people’s lives, but it can cause problems after a car accident. Posting certain photos or updates online can hurt your personal injury claim. Understanding the risks can help you protect your rights. How photos can impact your claim...
What to do – and what NOT to do – about a tailgater
A tailgater is inherently a dangerous driver. Whether they are oblivious to the risk and tailgating accidentally or doing it on purpose—perhaps as a form of road rage—they are increasing the odds of a car accident. As the front driver, you certainly feel this risk...
Why won’t people stop texting and driving?
Texting and driving is very dangerous because it significantly increases the odds of a car accident. A driver who is looking down at their phone or trying to type with one hand simply can’t react as well to the conditions around them on the road. They may lose control...
What photos could help your car crash claim?
Car crashes happen all the time and you will likely be involved in at least one during your lifetime. If you get injured, claiming compensation is likely something you will want to consider. Photos can help you with this. If you have a camera on your phone, that can...
Factors that slow down driver reaction times
After driving for a few months, it can almost feel automatic. However, the reality is that drivers are making quick decisions all the time. This requires fast reactions. Reaction time is everything in terms of safe driving. It allows drivers to steer away from...
Common distractions drivers face while on the road
Driving requires full attention, but many drivers face distractions that can lead to accidents. Understanding these common distractions can help you stay focused and safe on the road. Using mobile phones One of the biggest distractions is using a mobile phone while...
More Florida drivers are speeding – and going faster than ever
We’ve all heard the cautionary slogan “Speed kills.” It’s been around for many years. However, excessive speeding among American drivers seems to be an ever-increasing -- and deadly – problem. According to the National Highway and Traffic Administration (NHTSA),...
Driving dangers are greatest at intersections
Driving is always dangerous. There’s just an inherent level of risk that all drivers must accept. After all, roughly 40,000 people pass away in car accidents each and every year in the United States. However, that doesn’t mean that drivers face the same level of risk...