A tailgater is inherently a dangerous driver. Whether they are oblivious to the risk and tailgating accidentally or doing it on purpose—perhaps as a form of road rage—they are increasing the odds of a car accident. As the front driver, you certainly feel this risk when you notice the tailgater behind you.
A common response is for drivers to brake-check the tailgater by sharply pressing the brakes without warning. The intent may be to startle the tailgater and get them to back off. However, this could actually cause a crash, so it’s not something you should ever do. Furthermore, if you brake-check someone and cause an accident, you could be held liable, even though they were the one tailgating.
Getting them to pass
Instead, focus on getting the tailgater to pass you. It’s much safer to drive behind them and avoid any confrontation.
Depending on the type of road, you may accomplish this simply by getting out of the way. If they’re tailgating you on the interstate, you could change lanes. If you’re on a small rural road, you may just pull over onto the shoulder. If you’re driving through the city, you might pull into a parking lot.
Another tactic is to gradually reduce your speed. Don’t do it quickly so that it’s hazardous, but slowly decrease your speed to make it easier for the tailgater to pass. They may simply be looking for space in oncoming traffic. By slowing down and enabling a pass, you can keep yourself safe.
Seeking financial compensation
Unfortunately, tailgaters can and do cause accidents every day. If you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence, take the time to look into your legal options to seek compensation for medical bills and other costs.