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Drowsy driving is likely underreported 

On Behalf of | Jan 22, 2025 | Car Accidents |

Fatigued or drowsy driving is a serious problem in the United States. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has studied the issue and found that hundreds of deaths likely occur annually in drowsy driving accidents. Additionally, more than 50,000 people may suffer injuries each year in these serious crashes.

However, the NHTSA has also warned that this issue is underreported, and these statistics are likely too low. After all, there is no definitive way to test for fatigued driving after the fact. For example, if an intoxicated driver drifts over the centerline and causes a head-on collision, the police can measure their blood alcohol concentration to confirm impairment. But if a fatigued driver nods off and causes the same crash, they’ll wake up during the impact and may not admit they fell asleep.

A problem for commercial drivers

Certain groups are more susceptible to fatigued driving accidents than others. Many of these crashes naturally occur at night or in the early morning hours. However, commercial drivers may have an incentive to keep driving even when they know it’s unsafe due to fatigue.

For instance, many truck drivers are not paid an hourly wage or a salary. Instead, they are paid a set amount for every mile they drive. If a truck driver starts to feel tired during a late-night delivery, they may hesitate to stop driving because doing so would literally cost them money. This financial pressure can lead some drivers to take risks they shouldn’t.

Even if you never drive while fatigued, you could be seriously injured by someone who does. It’s important to know how to seek financial compensation if this happens.