Bedsores & Infections
Have you noticed an open sore or infection on an elderly relative or person you know in a nursing home? When elderly people are immobile or not allowed to get out of bed, a bedsore (also known as a pressure ulcer) can develop. Sores can become infected and cause serious health complications.
Additionally, malnutrition and dehydration can cause sores to worsen as the immune system weakens. It is critical to document and report bedsores and infections as soon as possible. A person’s life may be threatened if proper medical care is not administered.
Get Immediate Medical Care, Then Get An Experienced Lawyer
At Wesley, McGrail & Wesley, we cannot stress enough the importance of documenting the injury and speaking with one of our experienced attorneys as soon as possible. Our Fort Walton Beach attorneys fully understand the Florida Nursing Home Bill of Residents’ Rights, and we can help you prosecute for maximum injury compensation.
We handle claims against nursing homes, assisted living facilities and other long-term care providers throughout Florida, and we are focused on the best interests of our clients.
Call us today at 850-244-0999 toll free. We offer free initial consultations and handle all cases on a contingency fee basis. Our attorneys have more than 70 years of combined experience.
Our Dedicated Service
Our clients’ needs and objectives come first. We do not waste time. A two-year statute of limitations governs elder abuse and neglect claims, so there is no better time to speak with us than now.
We independently investigate all claims we handle and uncover evidence of misconduct and neglect. We collaborate with expert witnesses as necessary, and we build a case for you that is capable of winning at trial. We work in your best interests to efficiently, but effectively produce the result that achieves the maximum, fair compensation you are entitled to, whether you are an out-of-state, adult child acting on behalf of elderly Florida parents or a Florida resident.
Call Wesley, McGrail & Wesley Today
Schedule a free initial consultation with one of our partner attorneys by calling 850-244-0999 toll free or email us for prompt response.